SetFSB CPU overclocking app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

SetFSB Abstract:

SetFSB is an easy way to overclock a processor. It is a freeware driver application that's powerful, reliable, advanced and modern.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Quickly gain thorough details about CPU and push it to the limits for extra performance - Screenshot of SetFSB
Quickly gain thorough details about CPU and push it to the limits for extra performance.
Screenshot of SetFSB - 1283px · 647px
More performance with higher speed - Screenshot of SetFSB
More performance with higher speed.
Screenshot of SetFSB - 1283px · 1347px
Quickly get thorough CPU details - Screenshot of SetFSB
Quickly get thorough CPU details.
Screenshot of SetFSB - 1283px · 1347px
Constantly keep an eye on system parameters - Screenshot of SetFSB
Constantly keep an eye on system parameters.
Screenshot of SetFSB - 1283px · 1347px
Improve the performance of CPU - Screenshot of SetFSB
Improve the performance of CPU.
Screenshot of SetFSB - 1283px · 1347px